Highlights of the Year

In December 2009 a new initiative of selecting a highlight of the year was initiated at MHG. All classes and teachers proposed their nominees for the title. The most appreciated actions included collaborative events. In addition, the number of charity activities and volunteer work nominations increased every year. In 2015 the students started to choose the highlight of the year of MHG where also the teachers and parents could vote. In 2018, it was decided that instead of highlighting only one event or activity per year, we would like to bring out all highlights of the year that are important to MHG.

MHG Highlights of the Year 2021

Celebrating MHG 115, intensive English teaching 60, and IB programmes 10 with different events throughout the calendar year. See more from https://miinaharma.ee/mhg-115/ (in Estonian).


  • The Curriculum of Values was developed in collaboration with the Student Council.
  • Clothes with MHG symbolics became more popular at school.
  • Began the course of Meaningful Learning for grades 10.
  • Virtual Open House events took place for grades 1 and 10, students conducted virtual informational meetings in other schools, promotional videos were made to introduce MHG.
  • Altogether 6 gold medals (incl. one IBO gold medal) and 8 silver medals (incl. four IBO silver medals) were awarded to graduates of secondary school.
  • MHG student camps were organized in Valgemetsa in August: a 3-day camp for secondary school students with 120 participants and a 3-day choir camp for basic school students with also 120 participants.
  • National recognition was received by our teacher Jana Kübar (Secondary School Teacher of the Year), Head of Studies Terje Hallik (School Leader of the Year), and parent Sten Weidebaum (Friend of the Education of the Year).


  • MHG was the best school in the international competition Best in English for the second time in a row (among 595 schools from 32 countries and 17 223 participants). Laur Saks from 10a became 4th in the world. Altogether 38 students from MHg reached the top 1000. MHG had 113 participants in the contest.
  • 12 medals from International Olympiads including 8 medals in Geography and Earth Sciences.
  • We are in the top 10 in the national ranking of the Schools in Estonia
  • MHG students were invited to the national rounds of the Olympiads 61 times (22 in basic schools, 39 in secondary school), our students reached the top three on 12 occasions. With this achievement, we are among the best three schools in Estonia.
  • Three of our students were 1st in the national ranking of Math Kangaroo (Känguru) in their age group.
  • The most successful students in the Olympiad of Tartu city were Meena Rooden and Liis Siigur who belonged to the top three in five subject areas. Altogether 40 students from MHG reached the top three in regional Olympiads (21 in basic school, 19 in secondary school).
  • The most successful supervisor of Tartu city was our Geography teacher Maiu Kaljuorg.
  • MHG entered into a cooperation agreement with TalTech.

Contribution to the Society

  • Effective implementation of distance and hybrid learning with introductory seminars for the wider public.
  • A collaborative project “Edu ja õnnelikkus” (Success and Happiness) was initiated between three schools of Tartu – MHG, Tartu Tamme School and Tartu Kesklinna School. During this project, grade 9 students develop their collaboration skills through advocating healthy lifestyle choices.
  • All students from grades 5–8 began with their Action as Service.
  • Our 12DP student Peeter Kipp belonged to the team SOLARIDE that is developing the first Estonian solar car. As a member of the mechanical team, he is responsible for the electrical system.
  • With the lead of Maigi Varusk, her podcast series Roosa Raadio addressed relevant educational topics.
  • Our Head of School Ene Tannberg was chosen as the chairperson of the School Leaders Association of Tartu for the fourth time in a row.

Caring for the Health

  • 99% of our employees and over 95% of students above the age of 12 are vaccinated against Covid-19.
  • A campaign “1000 hours outdoors” for primary students took place in April and November.
  • During Heart Week, every member of the school family was challenged to gather 115 000 steps in 15 days. The most dedicated participants were our graduate students and teachers. The total number of steps gathered was 15,147,472.
  • The whole-school hike “115 minutes with Härma Spirit” took place around the River Emajõgi.
  • Tamme Relay Run took place for the 40th time. T
  • A low activity track was built in the school yard.

MHG Highlights of the Year 2020

  • Teaching and learning continue despite the challenging situation and adapts to the digital era.
  • Technical capability for conducting digital learning grows with the support of Tartu City.
  • Shifting the beginning od the school day by 30 minutes does not change the total length of the school day.
  • Pre-school begins.
  • Completing grades 10 takes place by using online testing and entrance interviews.
  • 6 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 6 IBO gold medals are awarded during the graduation ceremony of the secondary school.
  • Formulating the school values: EXPERIENCES and LEADING THE WAY

Learning Languages

  • MHG is the best school in the international contest Best in English wioth Anete Maremäe (12DP) the world champion in individual ranking.
  • The best junior translator in Estonia in the contest Juvenes Translatores organized by the European Commission was Isabel Mõistus from 11a.
  • Oliver Mõttus develops into an acknowledged spokesman, he receives recognition from the President’s Speech Contest and through publishing different articles in the media.

Learning Sciences

  • Uku Andreas Reigo (11DP) wins the Science contest Rakett 69. His classmate, Liis Siigur, receives a place in the top 5.
  • A great 2nd place in the three subjects total (Maths, Physics, Chemistry) is received from the Contest of the Five Schools. The absolute best problem solver is our 12DP student Hendrik Vija.

Contributing to the Community

  • We conduct a strong ad campaign for the Activity Track and Sports Field of Härma with the lead of our parent Sten Weidebaum and designer Pärt Ojamaa.
  • Participation in the collaborative projects: STEAM labs, GLOBE, Sustainable Tartu?!, DigiYouth, World Nations’ Cousine.
  • Introucing the Service and Action as a part of the basic school curriculum.
  • Continuing with the KiVa days to promote caring and noticing through collaborative activities for thewhole school.
  • MHG Instagram is gaining more popularity.
  • Teachers sharing their expertise and good practices: podcast “Õpime koos”, Õpetajate Leht, Vikerraadio, Roosa Raadio, University of Tartu, EduBest, EATE, Conference of the Interesting School, Educational Fair of Tartu etc.
  • Kadri Leppoja is announces to become an honorary member of the Estonian Choir Society.
  • Kristi Kreutzberg is awarded a title of the High School Teacher of the Year and invited to the national award ceremony.
  • MHG Foundation is established with the lead of the Parent Advisory Board.

Taking Care of our Health

  • We are joining the community of Movement Inviting Schools (Liikuma Kutsuv Kool). Our parents are leading the decoration of the schoolhouse as well as the courtyard and outdoors with different activity tracks and games for spending active recess. We receive outdoor slack and ninja lines with the help of Tartu City Government.
  • The team of MHG teachers practices winter swimming together.

MHG Educational Achievement of 2019

Becoming a full-cycle IB World school with the official recognition to offer all three programmes of the IB: the Primary Years Programme, the Middle Years Programme and the Diploma Programme

MHG Highlights of the Year 2018


  • contemporary teaching methodology of the Science subjects
  • high results in the Contest of Five Schools in 2018
  • valuing the Estonian language and culture
  • practical courses for the secondary school
  • the students of MHG teaching other students
  • popular quiz games and high achievements in them
  • successful results in the students’ Science Papers competition


  • Erik Haamer (11b) receiving the title of the athlete of the year in Tartu
  • interesting international projects
  • positive feedback of the evaluation visit of the IB Primary Years Programme
  • International interest in MHG and the teaching methodology from schools in various countries


  • updating the school’s Wi-Fi network
  • students being highly satisfied with the school (Innove Student Survey 2018)
  • the press conference of the Management Team

EVENTS (including student-initiated activities)

  • events organized by the Student Council – Career Day, Halloween etc
  • events organized by students – the ball, freshmen students’ activities, MHG 112, MHG quiz games etc
  • MHG concert-ceremony celebrating the Republic of Estonia 100th anniversary
  • Collaboration project with the choir and the orchestra from Bielefeld in Germany
  • MHG folk dancers and choir singers participating in different events
  • Exhibitions on the 3rd floor

MHG Highlight of the Year in 2017 was participating in the Estonian Song and Dance festival. MHG was the school with the largest number of participants.

MHG Highlight of the Year in 2016 was the Conference of the Graduates “MHG 110”

MHG Highlight of the Year in 2015 was the charity project “Väike panus, suur mõju” lead by our students Triin Karis and Merili Ginter.

2019 Miina Härma Gümnaasium