
We are proud to be active participants of different national and international projects:

Sustainable Tartu?!

Grade 8 students from three schools in Tartu are exploring the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The participating schools are Miina Härma Gümnaasium, Tartu Mart Reinik’s School and Tartu Forselius’ School.

Duration of the project: 01.09.2019–31.05.2020
The leader of the project in MHG: teacher Piret Tänav
The project is supported by Tartu City


A project that was launched at MHG in the school year 2018-2019 when the students started an international collaboration with students from Latvia and Finland in order to develop their start-up ideas. The aim of the project is to develop the students’ entrepreneurship and international collaboration skills by supporting the launch of student start-up companies.

Project leaders from MHG: Janika, Kaljula, Inge Lahtmets, Tiiu Müür and Piret Tänav
Partners of the project: University of Tartu Institute of Education, University of Turku, The City Government of Ventspils, University of Uppsala

More information:

Eco-Schools Global

Miina Härma Gümnaasium has joined the Green School programme starting 2019. The aim of the programme is to bring environmentally friendly thinking and action into every-day school life. The programme is lead by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and by the Estonian Nature Society (ELKS).

Project leader at MHG: our Science teacher Reio Praats
More information can be found here.


The aim of the project is to create more possibilities for integration between Design and Arts with Mathematics, Technology and Science strands and with this, to support the development of the STEAM methodology and implementation. STEM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics;
STEAM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics;
A wide range of study materials created under this project will be available at e-Koolikott.

Participating schools: Tartu Art School, Miina Härma Gümnaasium, Tartu Kristjan Jaak Peterson’s Gümnaasium
Teachers from MHG who are creating the study materials: Maiu Kaljuorg, Helin Semilarski, Helen Semilarski, Kirstin Karis, Kristi Kreutzberg, Liis Somelar, Inge Lahtmets and Ivika Hiis. 
Duration of the project: 01.01.2018–01.01.2021


GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit Environment) is an international programme aimed at the primary school, basic school and secondary school students. The programme offers inquiry-based learning and practical activities that are focused on environmental issues.
MHG has been participating in the GLOBE programme since its first launch in Estonian in 1997.

You can find out more about the programme here:

The Cuisine of the World Nations

This programme was initiated in collaboration with Tartu Veeriku School’s 8th-grade students. The aim of the project is to introduce the cuisine of different nationalities around the world. It also helps the students to develop their collaboration skills, their entrepreneurship and digital skills.

The programme leader from MHG is our Design teacher Marje Peedisson

UNESCO Associated Schools Network

Miina Härma Gümnaasium is a member of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network which was founded in 1953 to support better interaction and world peace. There are altogether 11,000 educational institutions from 181 countries in this network. The mission of the network is to help to raise open-minded people who care about the environment and other people and wish to be active participants of the community.

More information about this network is available here:

Õ-Õ (Student Exchange Project in Tartu)

The student exchange project was initiated by MHG in 2011. The aim of this project is to practice studies based on experience.
The student exchange project helps the participants to:

  • develop their social skills and tolerance
  • practice adapting to new situations and surroundings
  • helps to develop their values
  • gives an experience that helps them to decide if they want to participate in an international student exchange

Student exchange projects have so far taken place between the following schools: Tartu Raatuse Gymnasium, Tartu Veeriku School, Tartu Karlova Gymnasium, Tartu Russian Lyceum, Tartu Mart Reiniku School, Tartu Catholic Educational Centre, Tartu Kivilinna School, TERA, Tartu Tamme School, Tartu Variku School, Tallinn English College.

2019 Miina Härma Gümnaasium