Let’s Keep Tartu Open!
Dear members of the school family,
We are sharing the notice from Tartu city, Tartu University Hospital and the ambulance service. Let’s do our best to avoid distance learning and self-isolation during the upcoming school year.
Now is the best time to act to make sure that autumn arrives safely and openly for all of us. By getting the vaccination today, you will achieve immunity by autumn and continue with your daily activities of choice: meet with friends, exercise sport, visit events, travel, and most importantly – go to school without distance learning and self-isolation.
The vaccination centre of Tartu (Ihaste tee 7) is open for vaccinations against COVID-19 WITHOUT PRIOR REGISTRATION until the end of the summer. Pfizer vaccine is used with the second dose scheduled in six weeks.
The vaccination is open to everyone from the age of 12. The children may experience similar side effects to adults: local pain and swelling around the injection area, fatigue, headache, muscle ache, shivering and fever. The side effects are mostly mild and pass within a couple of days.
The opening times of the vaccination centre are available here: www.kliinikum.ee/tartu-vaktsineerimiskeskus
It is still possible to pre-register yourself to get the vaccine. Minors need to be accompanied by their parents or legal guardians when going to get the vaccine.
Let’s keep Tartu open!
In the name of
Andres Kotsar, treatment manager of Tartu University Hospital
Urmas Klaas, Mayor of Tartu
Veronika Reinhard, chairperson of Tartu Emergency Services
Mihkel Lees, Assistant Mayor of Tartu in the Health department