Everyone at Miina Härma Gümnaasium is proud of their school, understands and shares our common values and feels responsible for realising the school’s vision.

A sense of togetherness is fostered by common school hat days: the 1st of September (Wisdom Day), the 14th of October (the school’s birthday), the 9th of February (Miina Härma’s birthday), the 24th of February (the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia), the 14th of March (Estonian Mother Tongue Day), the 4th of June (Estonian Flag Day), the distribution of end-of-school badges, last school bell and graduation ceremonies, and other events representing the school.

Miina Härma Gümnaasium’s school hat statute.

On school hat days, school family members wear formal clothing (preferably a combination of blue and/or black with white and/or clothing with the school emblem) and a school hat.

Whole-school events include the opening ceremony on 1 September, the Tamme Relay Race, Teachers’ Day, the school’s birthday, the European Languages Day, the month of the alumni, the Advent concert, the Christmas Eve service, the Miina Härma’s birthday, the school ball dance for grades 9-12, the ceremony for the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, the spring concert, the spring sports day, the last school bell ceremonies, the Head of School’s Reception, the graduation ceremonies and the management press conferences.

The flag ceremony passes on the school’s historical heritage, and participating in it is a privilege.

Speeches at ceremonies: the Head of School at the Opening Ceremony on 1 September, the School’s Birthday Ceremony, the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia ceremony, the graduation ceremonies for grades 9 and 12; the Head of Studies at the last school bell ceremonies for grades 9 and 12; and the Head of Development at the end-of-school year ceremonies for grades 1-4, grades 5-8, and grades 10-11.


The overarching themes of the Curriculum of Values for grades 1-4 are derived from the IB PYP framework and the units of inquiry. The values are embedded through the application of the learner profile within the daily school activities. Throughout all classes, there are practical lessons on citizenship and KiVa.

Grade 1: Where We Are in Time and Space

At least one element of the school uniform is worn in everyday school life.

  • At the beginning of the school journey, a joint photo-taking at the statue of Miina Härma (primary school teacher, Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • A history lesson in the library during the school’s birthday month (the Librarian).
  • Introduction to the symbols of the school (Head of School).

Grade 2: Who We Are

At least one element of the school uniform is worn in everyday school life.

  • Meeting the school’s founders on its birthday (Head of School).
  • Class evening on the theme of “The values of a student of Härma”, organised with the help of the pupils of grade 6 (primary school teacher).
  • A student speech at the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, the speakers and the flag-bearers at the ceremony (homeroom teacher and the Head of Extra-Curricular Activities).

Grade 3: How We Express Ourselves

At least one element of the school uniform is worn in everyday school life.

  • Creating and telling school stories on the school’s birthday (Head of Studies).
  • Students promote MHG in a media unit (primary school teacher).
  • Students develop self-reflection skills through learner profiles (primary school teachers).

Grade 4: How We Express Ourselves

  • Homeroom teacher lessons (primary school teacher).
  • Students study values on the school’s website and produce a piece on “My values and my school” (primary school teacher).
  • Students prepare an Exhibition project for spring and present it to the school family and parents (primary school teacher and PYP coordinator).


The overarching themes of the Curriculum of Values for grades 5-9 are derived from the Sustainable Development Goals and the age-appropriate development of students. Values are reinforced through daily learning and recreational activities. At least one practical thematic activity is included in each class. The following activities are carried out throughout the year in all classes: Head of School’s, alumni, and KiVa lessons.

Grade 5: Reducing inequalities. Health and well-being.

  • Creating and completing a self-reflection platform (Head of Extra-Curricular Activities, homeroom teacher).
  • Completing a Service as Action project (Head of Extracurricular Activities, homeroom teacher).
  • Adaptation questionnaire (Head of Development).
  • One-day class hike (homeroom teacher).
  • In the context of Estonian history lessons, the history of the founding of the school, biographies of the founders, and tours of sites and monuments in Tartu are related to the history of the school (history teacher).
  • Speech by a student at the ceremony of the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, speakers and flag-bearers (Head of Extra-Curricular Activities, homeroom teacher).

Grade 6: Sustainable energy. Gender equality.

  • Creating and completing a self-reflection platform (Head of Extra-Curricular Activities, homeroom teacher).
  • Completing a Service as Action project (Head of Extracurricular Activities, homeroom teacher).
  • Planting a forest in the RMK and/or a forest field trip (Science teacher).
  • Thematic lesson “Our values vs. my values” (Head of Development).
  • Organising a thematic class evening for the 2nd grade on the theme “Values of a Härma student” (homeroom teacher).
  • Up to two days class trip (homeroom teacher).

Grade 7: Sustainable consumption and production. Quality education.

  • Completing a Service as Action project (Head of Extracurricular Activities, homeroom teacher).
  • Organising school birthday party activities for pupils (homeroom teacher).
  • Student exchanges in Tartu (Head of Development).

Grade 8: Employment and economic growth. Ending poverty.

  • Completing a Service as Action project (Head of Extracurricular Activities, homeroom teacher).
  • Discussions on school development issues and feedback (Head of Development).
  • Career lesson on the requirements and rights of minors entering the labour market (career coordinator).
  • Organising a Christmas party for grades 5-8 (Head of Extracurricular Activities, homeroom teacher).
  • Organisation of the grade 9 last school bell and graduation ceremonies (Head of Extracurricular Activities, homeroom teacher).
  • Student exchanges in Tartu (Head of Development).

Grade 9: Sustainable cities and settlements. Being a role model.

  • Preparation and presentation of Personal Projects to parents, grade 8 students and the school community (homeroom teacher and MYP coordinator).
  • Participation in the secondary school Christmas party and ball dance (homeroom teacher and MYP coordinator).
  • Making choices. Shadow week in the upper secondary school (Head of Studies, DP coordinator); careers lessons; Open House Days (career coordinator, Head of Studies); press conference for pupils and parents on the joint entrance tests and upper secondary studies.
  • A speech by a pupil on the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, speakers, and flag-wavers at the ceremony (homeroom teacher and Head of Extracurricular Activities).


Throughout the year, all alumni classes take place in different subjects.

Grade 10: Growing as a community, developing a sense of belonging.

  • Orientation day(s) in August (Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Ordering school hats. 1 September class pictures at the statue of Miina Härma (Head of Extracurricular Activities, homeroom teachers).
  • Significant learning lessons, e-portfolio, and history blocks (support specialists, Head of School, Heas of Studies, Head of Development, Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Initiation event “Rebaste ristimine” by grades 12 (Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Field trip together with the grade-level classes in autumn (homeroom teacher).
  • Introducing the new 10th grades in MHG Instagram and/or newsletter (Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • MHG school ring ceremony, listening to Hamlet’s soliloquy in an alumni presentation (Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • History of the school as part of the Estonian history courses (History teacher).
  • Organisation of the Open House Days for the next year’s students (Head of Extracurricular Activities, Head of Studies).

Grade 11: Taking responsibility, courage.

  • The organisation of the orientation day(s) for grades 10 in August (Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Organising a Christmas party (homeroom teacher and Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Participation in the Tartu Peace event (Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Celebration of Estonian Flag Day (Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Studying Hamlet’s soliloquy as part of the English literature course (English teacher).
  • Ordering a school graduation badge (Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Foreign language trip (homeroom teacher, foreign language teachers).
  • Discussions on school development issues and feedback (Head of Development).
  • Organising the last school bell and graduation ceremonies for grades 12 (homeroom teacher and Head of Extracurricular Activities).

Grade12: Experienced and leading the way.

  • On 1 September, accompanying the 1st-graders to the opening ceremony of the school year, presenting a gift (homeroom teacher and Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Initiating new 10th-graders into “foxes” (homeroom teacher and Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Teachers’ Day (homeroom teacher and Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • Study trip to Vargamäe and Tallinn for graduating classes (Estonian language and literature teachers).
  • Making choices, student and job shadowing, university open house days, careers lessons, etc. (career coordinator).
  • Student speeches at the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia ceremony, speakers and flag-wavers at the ceremony (class teacher and PE teacher).
  • Visiting the monuments of Peeter Põls and Jaan Tõnisson on the least school bell day (Head of Extracurricular Activities).
  • MHG values-based testimonials at the graduation ceremony (homeroom teachers).
  • Recognition of the most outstanding graduates with a silver pin and a Wooch watch at the graduation ceremony (Senior Management Team and Student Council).
  • “Ta lendab mesipuu poole…” and “Tuljak” at the graduation ceremony (Music and Dance teachers).


  • The Senior Management Team press conference (Head of Development) in September.
  • Study-Buddy for new students (mentor student).
  • The history of the founding of the MHG, biographies of the founders, and a tour of sites and monuments related to the school’s history in Tartu (homeroom teacher).
  • Excursions or field trips introduce Estonian culture, e.g., to the Estonian National Museum (homeroom teacher).
  • Hikes and field trips take place in Estonia to introduce Estonian nature and culture (homeroom teacher).
  • Spring picnics for grades 1 to 4 with parents in the school garden (primary school teacher).
  • Once a year, a whole-school national culture evening is organized, during which students and parents of international classes (homeroom teachers, Student Council) present their culture.
2019 Miina Härma Gümnaasium